Sunday, June 12, 2011


I'm a Christian.
I believe in Jesus.
And I try to believe him, too.

I had an interesting question on one of my youtube videos today.

"If Jesus tells you TO DAY in person that GAYING in wrong and is an abomination in His heavens and is against his will (like the mormons preaching) what would you tell HIM? He came down to taste physical life in order for us to have no excuses WHATSOEVER."

You're welcome to check out the comments and the video for yourself
Otherwise, my reply went something like this: If Jesus had the time to speak to me in person, he wouldn't bother telling me that "gaying" is wrong. He wouldn't tell me that I'm a sinner; he wouldn't recite the ten commandments or say that my state of being or even my actions are an abomination in his heavens and against his will. The Jesus I know and believe is the one in the Bible. The one who gathered the sick and afflicted around him so he could heal them. The one who took the time to bless each child. The one who fed thousands on only a couple baskets of fish and loaves. If the Savior of the world came to me, it would not be to condemn me or to point out all my flaws or mistakes. He would embrace me and express his love for me.

I think that one particular thing that goes unaddressed here is my personal stance or opinion on homosexuality. Do I believe that it is wrong to express homosexual feelings? You know, sometimes I do. But, to be honest I also feel like it's wrong for me to participate in heterosexual affection. So what does my view matter anyway? I believe in personal revelation, exploration, and adaptation.

and I'm just going to end it there...if you read these posts and have questions, then just post a comment.

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