Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Looking Forward...

Take a look behind you. I don’t know what may be behind you, but behind me are decorations for Christmas! Or, more specifically, Christmas in July! I have been looking forward to this all summer and now that it is here, I’m ecstatic. Wednesday is when the gift exchange occurs and I went shopping Monday to find a gift. Dollar store shopping found some cute stuffed animals, one of which is the CUTEST skunk, which I am in love with. So glad to be giving that to someone!

Anyways, this event has been something I’ve been looking forward to for some time. And then Saturday, the first official day of Christmas in July, comes around and one of my co-workers uses the decorating ceremony to rant about how gay people should be segregated on Facebook. Did I let it spoil my mood? Yes. Yes I did.

What an idiot I am.

I’ve been looking forward to Christmas for months, and I let one jerk get in my way. I showed these posts, and my ensuing counter posts, to a couple friends. They were of course upset, but what did they do? Talk about how much they wanted to enjoy Christmas in July. They were not indifferent, they just didn’t let it drag them down. So, I have dedicated this post to saying what I look forward to.

So, this is a list of what I look forward to and why I look forward to it.

Friday because it’s cleaning day and I actually enjoy being able to work with headphones in and it’s a nice break from working with kids.

Saturday because I get to see friends from Aspen Grove who I don’t normally get to hang out with.

Tuesday because I love Bailey’s posts. I’m ALWAYS on the ground laughing.

Wednesday because I get to see Jay (the name I have given my boyfriend so I can about him in BYU audiences). Also, I get to see the newest episode of The Glee Project. Which I love, mainly because I love most of the kids on the show.

This upcoming Friday because I can’t wait to get to dye my hair again (not permanent, so I can do it on a more frequent basis).

August twenty sixth because school starts along with my intermediate racquetball class, which WILL be a blast.

The day I get to see my best friend again. I miss her enough that despite my frugal college budget, I have considered buying a plane ticket to visit her in Berkeley. Will I visit her anytime soon? No, but it’s important enough to list.


  1. You know I went and told him I was gay. His response: an apology, two hugs, and a promise that he loved me because I was one of God's children. I told him that he hurt my feelings and he told me that he felt terrible for that and wouldn't bring it up again. We talked about how it was a misunderstanding that got way out of hand.
    Ranting over FB didn't help anything but one moment of honesty might change his mind on how to perceive the LGBT community

    1. Good work! Confronting people isn't always easy, especially with topics that are potentially touchy ones. Kudos to you, Dupree.

    2. Good work, Dupree! :) One little bit of honesty sometimes can make a huge difference.

  2. Aw, shucks. I made your list?! Whoa.

  3. Oh my hell the arguments I've gotten into over the BSA segregation issue. If I had heard someone say something about segregating Facebook, I would have lost it. Way to go for keeping your cool and finding positive things to look forward to.

  4. segregating Facebook???? And nobody wants to compare this with the way blacks were treated in the fifties or whenever? hmmm.

    I got so sick of my "friends" telling me that I'm "morally wrong" so I deleted over 200 people from my Facebook list.

  5. I almost said I want christmas in July, birthday is in June so that's almost like the same thing. :)
